Project P-2945
I own a mobile home and am on disability and also broke my arm 2 weeks ago. My bathroom sink and tub faucets need repair. I have purchased the 2 faucets and need someone to install them. I would give it a try but am un a cast now. My water bill has more than doubled. I called a plumbing company and their estimate was $850... I almost fainted. I would be very grateful if you were able to assist me.
Description: I own a mobile home and am on disability and also broke my arm 2 weeks ago. My bathroom sink and tub faucets need repair. I have purchased the 2 faucets and need someone to install them. I would give it a try but am un a cast now. My water bill has more than doubled. I called a plumbing company and their estimate was $850... I almost fainted. I would be very grateful if you were able to assist me.
Status: Expired