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Project P-3603

Need a Ride



Project Description

Submitting this referral on behalf of Patricia Gossar due to lack of a computer to fill out. Patricia has approximately 4 imagings to be completed at various Dr.'s offices/hospitals around Evansville (patient hasn't scheduled due to needing to know if she would have a ride). She currently makes too much for Medicaid and does not have transportation benefits through her insurance. She would love to be matched with a volunteer that could provide a few day/time eligibilities for various appointments that her primary care needs completed to assess her health status. Upon finding a volunteer that has some day-time availability, she could then call her doctor(s) and schedule said appointments. Her social worker at her doctor's office is in the process of assisting her with an application for the Mets Mobility program, however it will take approximately 60 days to accomplish, and is not guaranteed to get her to her appointments. Patricia can be reached by phone. If unable to reach Patricia, feel free to email her social worker at

Project P-3603

Helping Hand : Need a Ride

C1 Logo

Project Information

Description: Submitting this referral on behalf of Patricia Gossar due to lack of a computer to fill out. Patricia has approximately 4 imagings to be completed at various Dr.'s offices/hospitals around Evansville (patient hasn't scheduled due to needing to know if she would have a ride). She currently makes too much for Medicaid and does not have transportation benefits through her insurance. She would love to be matched with a volunteer that could provide a few day/time eligibilities for various appointments that her primary care needs completed to assess her health status. Upon finding a volunteer that has some day-time availability, she could then call her doctor(s) and schedule said appointments. Her social worker at her doctor's office is in the process of assisting her with an application for the Mets Mobility program, however it will take approximately 60 days to accomplish, and is not guaranteed to get her to her appointments. Patricia can be reached by phone. If unable to reach Patricia, feel free to email her social worker at

Status: Available

Community One Projects




In Progress

